Braces Care Tips

Braces Care Tips

The Best Orthodontist Tips-Caring for Your Braces

Seeing an orthodontist and getting braces put on means you are on your way to entirely new set of teeth, in terms of how they look and perform. Of course, it also means an adjustment in your lifestyle. While modern braces don”t require that much maintenance, you can”t simply forget they are in and go back to using your teeth the way you may be accustomed. They take special care, if you want to extend their life and make sure you have a pleasant and successful period of treatment. Your doctor will do all he can to explain the ins and outs of proper care, but here is a sneak peak at some of the best things you can do to care for your braces.

Too many patients will let flossing go by the wayside when they get their braces put on. Any orthodontist will tell you this is a mistake. Flossing is an important component of avoiding tooth decay and gum disease and it may be even more important when you have metal brackets blocking a lot of your toothbrush efforts. You”ll need to be more cautious when flossing with braces, of course. Be gentle when feeding the line through your teeth, but make sure you get to the part of the teeth closest to the gum. This can be tricky, but with a little practice it will become second nature.

The first thing you should know about brushing with braces is to use the softest bristles you can find. Your primary goal will be to avoid exerting too much force on the brackets as you clean your teeth. These softer methods will actually serve you well once the braces come off, as most people use a brush that is far too stiff and a technique that is far too vigorous even without braces to consider. Come at your teeth at a forty-five degree angle, getting the area of the tooth above and below the brackets separately.

An orthodontist will tell you that the majority of mishaps occur when a patient tries to eat foods that are inappropriate. The selection of foods to eat is somewhat limited when you have braces. There are too many types that can do damage to the infrastructure. You”ll want to avoid anything that is hard in nature, such as an apple or hard candy. Chewy, sticky foods like gum and caramel should also go by the wayside. Corn on the cob is an obvious no-no. Your orthodontist will also likely tell you to avoid chewing on pieces of ice, is that”s something you are in the habit of doing.